Aug 2011 I’ve spent some time this summer clearing out some old boxes of letters from the days in which, well, people actually wrote long handwritten letters! It gave me some appreciation for the time it took to write them, the patience for the letter to arrive, and then the waiting for a response. Technology is great (enables this web communication to take place with people all over the world!) but there is something to be said for taking more time with people, in person or in writing than the speed of email, texting, ot tweeting inclines us towards. So here’s to giving each other full and deep attention in friendships and relationships, whether in conversation or in written correspondence…..try it and see what happens! Here’s a talk I gave on Dharma and Technology.
Tag Archives: Dharma Talks
Watching News Through Lens of Dharma
Apr 2011: Recently there has been a lot of intense, exciting, and challenging news about our world: revolutions in the Arab world ; earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdowns in Japan; and much more. How can we take all this in? Is it possible to make this part of our spiritual practice? I have been reflecting on this recently; here are some of my thoughts (a work in progress)