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- Find me on Facebook: Anushka F- Teacher * Twitter @AnushkaF * Instagram @AnushkaDharma
- My email is anushkasangha(at)gmail.com if you want to contact me about teaching a meditation group. Sorry I am not available to answer dharma or meditation questions via email at this point— but please come to a group or class I am teaching and you can ask in person.
- For consulting or coaching inquiries please email anushkaconsulting(at)gmail.com
- I also exist in the non-virtual world: to verify this, you can come to one of my scheduled public teachings (please see home page for events)
SF Dharma Center Project: A group is forming to establish an urban Insight Meditation center in San Francisco!
San Francisco Dharma Center will provide a home for Insight Meditation practice and Theravada Buddhist study in San Francisco that is welcoming to diverse communities and connected to the life of the city. This urban meditation center will be a place for classes, sitting groups, community activities, service work, and more, rooted in the cultivation of integrity, wisdom and compassion. San Francisco Dharma Center will support integrating meditation and Buddhist practice into daily life, with an emphasis on our impact on each other and the world.
If you are interested in helping make this happen please sign up here! We want to BUY a place, so need help with real estate, fundraising, organizing, graphic design, website etc. If you have a potential place also let us know!
This project is being done in collaboration with Howie Cohn, John Martin, Victoria Cary, Eugene Cash and Pam Weiss, who all teach Insight Meditation in San Francisco. The advisory board for this project includes:
- Carol Wilson (IMS)
- Narayan Liebenson (CIMC),
- Joseph Goldstein (IMS)
- Sharon Salzberg (IMS)
- Jack Kornfield (Spirit Rock)
- Gil Fronsdal (IMC)
- Larry Yang (Insight Community of the Desert)
- Pascal Auclair (Voie Boréale/True North)
- Bonnie Duran (Seattle POCAS)
- Ayya Tathaaloka (Dhammadharini Vihara)
- Catherine McGee (Gaia House, UK)