
I have worked with hundreds of leaders in various areas of business, nonprofits, technology, film, social justice and science who are trying to do their work in a successful and sustainable way by becoming more clear, compassionate, and mindful leaders.

I enjoy group coaching with people from the same organization, as well as through leadership programs that bring together people from different organizations. Some of the groups I have worked with include American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley, YPO (Young Presidents Organization), Women of Color Executive Directors Network, LGBTQ Executive Directors Network, Center for Whole Communities, Women of Color Rising (Ford Foundation) and others.

I am certified in coaching through Coaches Training Institute, and employ tools from mindfulness meditation practice as a means of developing self-awareness and behavior change, as well as using skills from my MBA.

I do coaching primarily over phone and video these days. If you are interested you can email me anushkaconsulting(at)